Radu Beligan, born in December 14, 1918, is a Romanian actor who has appeared in theatre, film, television, and radio.
He played many celebrated roles by major Romanian playwrights (Ion Luca Caragiale, Barbu Ştefănescu Delavrancea, Camil Petrescu, Tudor Muşatescu, Mircea Ştefănescu, Victor Ion Popa, Victor Eftimiu, Mihail Sebastian, Aurel Baranga, Mirodan) and universally known roles by Shakespeare, Goldoni, Gogol, Anton Chekhov, George Bernard Shaw, Gorki, Albert Camus, Jules Romains, Eugen Ionescu, Jean Anouilh, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Edward Albee, Peter Schaffer, Patrick Süskind, Neil Simon, and Umberto Eco.
He began his artistic career at the Muncă şi Lumină Theatre (The Work and Light Theatre) in Bucharest. He later appeared in the play Alhambra and at Bucharest's Teatrul Naţional (National Theatre). He is also Professor at the Institutul de Teatru şi Film (The Institute of Theatre and Film) in Bucharest, the founder and director of the Teatrul de Comedie (Comedy Theatre) in Bucharest, and the director of the National Theatre Bucharest.
>>Message of Radu BELIGAN, World Theatre Day 1977
>>Message in French
>>Message in Spanish